Monday Morning Brew: The Art of the Pitch

Each and every Monday, we will share timely insights and key learnings about all things PR. And we should know a thing or two... We’ve been in the business for more than 20 years. Collectively our team has been around since the earth first cooled, so we know a lot about what works and what doesn’t in the changing landscape of public relations. ⁠

We’ll make it fun, simple and insightful -- keeping it to three key points. And let’s face it, all good things come in threes: The three wise men, three little pigs and of course, the three stooges. .. Just to name a few ...

So grab your favourite brew and take three minutes to learn from the kick-ass PR pros at MAVERICK.

Welcome to Maverick’s Morning Brew!

  1. K.I.S.S. principle
    Keep It Short and Sweet. You’re only going to have a few seconds in your email pitch to media to get the attention of the recipient for them to make a call on whether to run your story. Keeping your pitches concise is always best. Get in, get to the point and get out.

  2. Personalization is essential

    The days of boilerplate pitches and “spray and pray” email blasts are over. With increase filters being placed to avoid certain phrases or keywords, finding a way to make your content stand out is crucial. Personalize media pitches as much as possible; be more targeted and relevant to the outlet.

  3. Be mindful of potential roadblocks in coverage

    During the week of the provincial election, it was imperative to not bombard the media with pitches and requests. In these instances, many of the outlets you reach out may not run with what you pitch because it can easily get “lost in the ether”. Unless it’s time sensitive, err on the side of caution.

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